Welcome to the new digs!
As some of our clients will know all too well one of our projects recently hit a snag, and by snag I of course mean massive chemical fire caused by the accidental mixing of things that probably, in hindsight, shouldn’t have been mixed.

Our previous facility undergoing some minor fire-related restructuring.
In a good-news bad-news type situation though this meant we got to build a new headquarters, and this time we’ve made sure we have proper fire-safety rules like making sure the employee in charge of labelling things, who shall remain nameless, actually knows what “inflammable” means. ( Editor’s note: it was Dave wasn’t it? )
Our new location includes all the latest advancements in cubicle design, water-cooler placement, and access control, plus we’ve been able to include an amazing facility to be used for the final stage of trials for our top-secret project, codenamed Insomnium.
Foolishly, our web servers were also in our old location and due to a totally unforeseeable miscommunication our backups were also incinerated so we’ve had to start from scratch, which is why we’re a bit barebones around here right now. ( Editors note: make sure when asking for the location for the off-site backup it’s an actual location and not just Jane’s auto-responder – “away from keyboard” )
On balance I’d say that’s mostly positive news, not only do we have a new office but we’ve also cleared a surprisingly large area of land ( chemical fires really spread! ) that we will now be able to use for another project down the line.
p.s. we also decided that a clean slate would be good all around so we’ve wiped our Twitter feed, please consider following if you’re not already!